Thursday, October 1, 2009


It's war for us, TESL batch!!!!

25 days to complete:

1.CALL software
2.PD seminars
3. Thesis (argh!!!!!)
4. mountains of ASSignments, presenTENSION and movie reviews.

My armours for this war:
1. patience
2. patience again
3. not enough patience so I'll add some more
4. GUTS, GUTS and GUTS!!!!
5. paracetamol, ponstan and other drug for incoming migraine bombs
6. money and phone in hand for a lot of food deliveries
7. laughter and facebook for diversion tactics

Required armours:
1. extra brains to compartmentalize the works
2. extra hands to kill many birds with one stone
3. pawns to complete my work and I took all the credit

Am I ready??? I don't think I'll ever be ready...
Will I perform my best? I don't think so but I am sure that I'll put a solid effort....

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