Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life is great even if it sucks!!!!

My life if I want to see it is clearly is suck...I'm 25 years old, jobless, single, having no grand inheritance, battling wrinkles and pimples at the same time...but tiny, weeny minute little details can make my life less miserable...per se....

a. I'm having double jimbe2 weekend!! Last week at PD and this week at Hulu Yam!!!
b. My chapter 1 and 2 got approved in one shot!!!!
c. This Ramadhan, I can break fast 4 times at home, thanks to sexyfoxy!!
d. I am so good with Geo-Challenge and it proves I haven't lost my mojo in Geography!!!
e. Two people owed me 2 dozens of JCO!!!!

sometimes not looking at the big picture and running away from reality helps..


  1. jco?
    harap harap bukan aku. hehehehe...

    erm...aku tak dapat berfikir dengan rasional sejak akhir akhir ini.
    aku biarkan saja~

  2. jco 2 dozen? mari pass kat aku n mugi sedozen
